Saturday, October 16, 2010 -
[mood ~ irritated]
[music ~ break, Miyamoto Emiri]
[icon ~ crysella]

Haven't been updating for quite awhile recently. Currently, using colleague's netbook updating during work. Feeling rather irrited due to no customers and all those nonsense the customers always give. Oh well, shan't continue anything related to work for now though.

School reopened this week, and i've already started my bad habit - of skipping school, that is. Kind of couldn't help it - since lessons for everyday are starting from 8 in the morning, which is rather impossible for me to wake up on time though. Oh well, i'll just try for best to for the following week and so on xDD

Holidays are like, nothing, i guess. It's always been work, work and more work. Well, there's slightly abit of studying being done - studying on japanese and music theory for further knowledge and curiosity's sake xDD so holidays pretty much screwed up my sleeping habits as well. Results were released on the last week of holidays, i'm glad though - that it didn't went down. Pretty satisfactory for now, but it won't be that easy for this semester though. Oh well, guess i really have to fix that habit of mine first before anything else goes.

Kinda too bad since we didn't got the time for ice skating - i was rather looking forward to it. Oh well, we'll go another time, i guess. Life's pretty boring for now - all's study, work, and, i guess that's all. I guess i'm still pretty much lost on what i'm gonna do in the future - for now, i think accountancy is the only path. I've been totally cut off for any paths towards design.

Well, life still goes on no matter what. Guess that's all for now. Later~

Monday, August 09, 2010 - Rants. Fandom.
[mood ~ bored]
[music ~ Kajitsu no Keikoku, Kanon Wakeshima]
[icon ~ unknown]

It's National Day today, well, its yesterday though. Meet crystal chin at vivo in the morning to pass her the manga and her present. I'm glad she like the miffys((: I had it planned so long and prepared it before actually passing it to her cos' it's really hard to meet her nowadays - it's either she's busy or i am, well busy with studies, work and stead, i guess. Just had a small chat though, then i left for work. Searched for related information for assignment during work - it's National Day, that's why there's hardly any business - everyone's busy partying, can't be bothered about shopping though. Well, at least it's not an total no sales for me - i'm glad though.

Just finished up part of my task for the assignment so am currently slacking off while waiting for my downloads to end. Read the few latest chapters of bleach, it's finally about gin and matsumoto - i've waited quite a long time for them to appear together xDD Now's really crucial since i don't know what gin's thinking - he's the villain go so long and suddenly he's betraying his own master. Ah, curiosity kills, like seriously, and each chapter's short so i've to wait for a few more out to sort out the plot. Claymore's at a climax too, clare's well-being unknown, miria being oppressed. Oh, and D.gray-man, the latest chapter's out recently and i think allen's gonna turn to noah soon - well, at least according to his appearance - it's bad for the story but i kind of like the evil personality of his xDD Oh well. Guess it's enough of anime and manga rants.

Restored all my itouch settings yesterday and found out that some of the applications i've purchased had to be re-purchase again due to the apps structure being different - well, i'm not sure how to explain it but at least i somehow get it. At least the latest version is installed and i can sort my music files from the beginning - since it's an huge music database, i've got to sort which ones i don't listen anymore so i can save the space cos' itunes backing up loads really slow and darn i hate to wait.

Oh well, i guess that's all for now. Oh, and thanks for the present best friend((: see you soon again though xDD

Sunday, August 08, 2010 - Rants. One Piece.
[mood ~ bored]
[music ~ Otome no March, Kanon Wakeshima]
[icon ~ crysella]

Ah. Been so long since i've last posted an entry. It's been so boring these few days. EOP event's finally over - somewhat an weight off my back. Now focusing on the other modules' project. Hope to finish it as soon as possible though.

Went to kallang for ice skating last friday before work., then to pitstop after work. I'm addicted to ice skating - it's super fun xDD Hopefully we'll go again soon.

One Piece Movie Strong World is finally out, subbed. Watched it yesterday, it's really cool. Oda-sensei really is amazing, the series is good, the movies are awesome. Well, i prefer one piece movies over the naruto and bleach ones. Probably they aren't funny enough for me, i suppose. I'm gonna go buy a new hard-drive for all my anime and manga-related series - the current one is almost full xDD Will be downloading movie 7 to 10 later((:

Oh well, i don't really have anything much to post about now, so i guess that's it. Later~

Monday, June 21, 2010 - Rants. Random.
[mood ~ mellow]
[music ~ Namida no Mukou, Stereopony]
[icon ~ crysella]

Well, alot had happened during the past few weeks. Volunteered for JCI, loads of freebies, loads of foreigners, and i had actually conversed with the japanese((: Well, some knowledge been put to use xDD LAUGHS Oh well, the conference actually took up my working time equals out lesser cash but well, i've managed to reach my goal though.

Last week, work's been rather hectic. but i guess i'm okay. At least i don't have to look for another job. So i'll be working all i want during the holidays - so far, it feels like i'm working everyday. LAUGHS. Oh well, more cash for expected aims. After holidays, it's CCK and lesser time for work.

I'm looking forward for new stock((: Hope the boss brings them down within this week - so i can help sort them and feast on my eyes. LAUGHS. Seriously hope that business would be better. Oh well, dyed my hair just a day back, seems to be abit brighter than previously, but not too bright. This week's probably going for CCK orientation, JCI appreciation dinner. I'll head to 'hell' for surgery the end of next week, oh, i so don't want to go. but i have to, for my own good.

Finished with Fullmetal Alchemist last week - it's finally completed. I've re-read from the beginning till the last within 2 days. Well, the ending was satisfactory i suppose. I preferred the ending of Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro instead, rather interesting. Oh well, the other series i'm on doesn't seem to be ending any sooner - they're still somewhere near the peak, some at climax. I don't hope it'll end so soon either - there's not much thrilling series nowadays though. LAUGHS.

Oh well, guess that's about it. Later~

Monday, May 24, 2010 - Updates. Rants. Unfair.
[mood ~ blank]
[music ~ futuristic imagination, school food punishment]
[icon ~ crysella]

Yeah, i'm finally back to updates again. Like always, school is as boring, only friends aren't. Projects, events and cca taking up most of my time. Seriously, i'm not really looking forward to moving to CCK. It's troublesome - in terms of distance and time. I have to wake up early to reach school. Reach home late due to the distance and no time for work equals out lesser cash. Oh well, i guess i'll manage, somehow or other.

Mum got me an itouch plus a laptop for my studies. I'm seriously thankful for the laptop, but for the itouch, i was hesitating quite a bit in the beginning. Still, i'm thankful. The way she spends money, makes me wanna grow up faster to work and provide for her. LAUGHS. I seriously need to earn a lot for mum and myself - we're big-spenders, but I do consider purchasing seriously more like my father.

Unfair. Posted at sky-colored~

Oh well, going to west mall tomorrow accompanying waishi for her handphone plus my craving for the earl grey ice cream xDD LAUGHS. I really hope tomorrow's peaceful, no rushing for projects and such, just normal lessons. Wednesday's mock so i'm not fond of tiring myself.

I guess that's all for now. Later~

Friday, April 23, 2010 - Rants. Random.
[mood ~ tired]
[music ~ いますぐに... , Azu]
[icon ~ crysella]

Updating the last week till current events. Had dinner with 3JS the previous and current friday. Been such a long time since we met up so often. and like always, they are not on time. Oh well. Went geylang last friday for the dumplings - i'm not very fond of the food; besides, only PJM enjoyed it.

Novena for today at ichibanboshi. Ate alot; ordered mostly sides for myself xDD Ate alot, paid alot as well -.-" Something random: Joyce said that people with long bodies are very lazy; and said that mine was very long which equals to me being super lazy. but oh well, i don't deny that fact about being lazy - it's a virtue of mine. She's lazy as well; though not as much as i am xDD

I'm really restless nowadays even though we hadn't started doing much in school. and plus all the standard working hours as schedule - we still studying, not working. It's taking up too much time - wasting away my remaining working hours which equal outs to lesser cash. Oh well.

It seems that i've been too defenseless recently. Hopefully i don't let my guard down. It's really risky once humans starts trusting.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010 - Rants.
[mood ~ exhausted]
[music ~ Northern Cross, May\'n]
[icon ~ crysella]

I'm like, finally updating? Oh well, currently still at work. I'm blogging with my mobile - there ain't any customers currently xDD

Rain fell today; really hard. I'm kind of relieved when it rained. It's as if God sympathizes with us. It feels a lot better when it rained. Business was better today - probably because i was too tired to worry about sales. Oh well, today's been such an surprising day which drained me of all my strength.

Oh well, i suppose the world works in a neutral way. The beginning wasn't all that great but the great thing comes after; and sometimes vice versa. I've finally got one of the drama cds on hand and it's kaichou wa maid-sama((: I really hope the seiyuus are sanae kobayashi and tomokazu sugita though - like the previous drama cd i've got. (It turns out to be the anime seiyuus though. oh well.) I really like tomokazu sugita's voice - super sexy that i can't get enough of it xDD

Well, i'll listen to the disc tomorrow. Later~

今でも心のどこかに貴方がいるから ~ 迷わずに歩いていける ~ 終わりが見えなくてもいいと思えたよ ~ 旅ゆくエトランジェ 答えは知らなくていい
Raison D'etre, Nightmare

Jieyi~ 8thJuly ♥ Bittersweet Nineteen.
Curious Cat~ Addiction to Obsession.
loves♥ CASH$, MANGA, ANIME >>One Piece((:
loathes anything that is troublesome
>> yeah, i'm lazy.

一人きり そっと祈るように
夢を見よう 覚めることない夢を

Dancing in the Velvet Moon, Mizuki Nana


Dirty, Nightmare

Alicia ~upcomingorigin
Audrey ~backtracksecond
Eileen ~l00konthebrightside
Jiamin ~redlollipop-lovesJ
Jiemin ~jhyun-se7en 二姐
Jieqi ~stingray-qi 大姐
Joyce ~rainbowinmysoul
Kimberly ~seaforambubbles
Samantha ~chersamantha
Shumei ~starry-mei
Sherlyn ~memoriesthatareforgottenS
Tricia ~eternalreality
Waishi ~crappishlies
Wendy ~merryland-n-you

3J'06 ~threesaintjoan06
STC NPCC ~stcnpcc-
LiveJournal ~hakuren-yuki
Wordpress ~aedent
Misaki ~amberleafs♥M

言葉になりたがらない気持ちがあります 人がいくら手を伸ばしても ~ 人の中に届かない場所がある ~ 声にならない一人一人の思いが好きだから ~ 何かにならなくてもいつの日でもかわらず
Inversed Butterfly, Snow

layout: lyricaltragedy
inspiration: fruitstyle
host: blogger